At a Glance: Changing How We Do Business so You Don’t Have To
With over 100,000 cases of COVID-19 in the United States to date, our top priority at Hayward Turnstiles is adaptation. From the beginning when COVID-19 was still a distant threat, our goal was to take the proper precautions and make the necessary changes to stay open. Because of this, we created a system that would allow us to safely continue providing access control and security solutions for our clients. This system includes extra efforts to social distance in our factory, wearing masks in our office, working from home when possible, checking for symptoms daily, storing orders for affected customers, and not allowing any outside personnel into our buildings.
Because of the proactive efforts of everyone on the Hayward Turnstiles team, we have successfully kept the novel coronavirus at bay so far. We have changed the way we operate our business so that you, the customer, do not have to change a thing. Orders will still ship out, one of our access control specialists will still happily greet you if you call in, and–above all–we will continue to go the extra mile to provide completely custom access control solutions for any new projects you might have.
What We Know About COVID-19
What Does COVID-19 Stand For?
Since COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus, there is still a lot left for us to learn about it. New findings seem to pop up daily in the news cycle as scientists fight to understand and irradicate this dangerous disease. For starters, COVID-19 is an acronym that stands for coronavirus disease of 2019. This is the name the World Health Organization gave to the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that originated in Wuhan, China in late 2019. Put simply, COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus strain.
How Does COVID-19 Affect People?
We know that COVID-19 is a very infectious disease that usually causes mild to moderate respiratory illness. In some cases, COVID-19 can be very serious. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory complications, and cancer are more likely to present with serious symptoms. These at-risk individuals may require hospitalization and extensive care as their symptoms may turn into more serious conditions like pneumonia and respiratory failure.
How Does COVID-19 Spread?
The novel coronavirus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or nasal discharge expelled when an infected person sneezes or coughs. These droplets may land anywhere, meaning surfaces and high-touch areas may be a breeding ground for SARS-CoV-2. Further, we know that SARS-CoV-2 can survive for varying lengths of time depending on the surface the droplet lands on. For instance, SARS-CoV-2 might only last for up to 4 hours on copper, but up to 7 days on stainless steel.
How Do We Stop COVID-19?
Because of the nature of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, we know that it is best to practice social distancing. Staying 6 feet apart or further may prevent droplets from traveling from one person to another in the event of a sneeze or a cough. We also know that wearing masks and properly washing hands periodically has proven effective. Working from home and only going out for necessary trips has also helped stave the spread of the disease.
With more and more information coming in daily, the Hayward Turnstiles team will continue to stay abreast of all new findings so that we can continue providing access control solutions in a safe and efficient manner.
Preventing COVID-19 Spread at Hayward Turnstiles
In Our Offices
Our Hayward Turnstiles office personnel understand that stopping the spread of COVID-19 begins with social distancing. Because of this, most of our team has elected to work from home. Those essential employees that must face the risks and go into the office every day are wearing masks and systematically sanitizing door handles, keyboard, light switches, and all other high-touch surfaces. On top of this, we no longer allow outside personnel entry into our facilities; all deliveries are left at the door and all solicitors are politely turned away. We also use no-touch thermometers twice daily to monitor for fevers–a telltale sign of the disease. These efforts provide assurance and peace of mind for our Hayward Turnstiles office team in our effort to stave off the virus.

This is as close as anyone will get to our office as we lock it down to practice social distancing.
At Our Factory

Orders like this line the factory storage area for customers that cannot accept shipment yet.
Just like in our offices, the employees in our factory have taken a proactive and aggressive approach. Proper handwashing and social distancing are paramount in a factory setting as the virus tends to stay active longer on metal surfaces. Because of this, gloves are worn whenever possible and orders are packaged in the cleanest way possible as to not let any possible contaminants leave the facility.
To help keep human contact down, our factory only ships orders on Fridays: effectively minimizing contact with outside personnel and freight drivers. Further, we have set aside space in our factory to store orders for customers who may not be ready to receive shipments due to COVID-19 closures. The workers in our factory take pride in halting the spread of COVID-19 just as much as they take pride in their craft, so they understand the significance of their extra efforts. Their extra precautions have allowed us to stay open and continue serving the security and access control needs of our customers.
Bottom Line
- We are still here taking new orders daily
- We are willing to store paid-for orders for customers that cannot receive shipments due to COVID-19 concerns
- We have taken all necessary steps to curb COVID-19 spread and stay open
- Many of our customers are taking advantage of facility closures to install new access control systems while nobody is around
- We made the necessary changes so that you don’t have to